
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The forecast for Arizona looks like this.

Man, this is gonna be rough.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thumbs up

-despite having mono, I don't feel like I have mono
-my Foundations I professor, unbeknownst to my class before Wednesday, is apparently an avid square-dancer and travels to square dances all over the country with his partner
-Wicked!-- I saw it this afternoon and it is as great as everyone says it is
-Chicken Little (the movie)
-mulling spices for making apple cider
-getting to wear fun scarves and gloves
-Thursday night means new episode of Without a Trace

Thumbs down

-despite not feeling like I have mono, I still do
-related to above, no beer pong for me tomorrow night
-the women who sat next to us at Wicked!, who came for only the 2nd half and left before curtain call
-school-related stressors, esp. not having a practicum (yet), and class registration (tomorrow)
-having to wear scarves and gloves because it's SO freaking cold outside
-"extended" part of LOST totaling about 3 minutes

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I have mono.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I did absolutely nothing today and it was awesome. I had lunch with Gretchen, went to see The Weatherman, and took a nap to Oprah. So... I guess tomorrow I should start being a good student again.

Is it Thanksgiving yet?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Until today

I totally forgot how fantastic orange Tic Tacs are.

Monday, November 07, 2005

I forgot to post Halloweenie pictures. (Hahahahaha, I said weenie!)

Here is me with KISS.

And here is a picture of Rick washing off the pumpkins.

So there are some pictures. I had my last weekend class for the semester this past weekend so now I can hopefully start paying attention to some of the things and people I've been neglecting. And get normal amounts of sleep. I'm going home for Thanksgiving in two weeks! I guess that's it... I also want to say a huge congratulations to British John for finishing his first-ever marathon in NYC!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm going to see Rudy Giuliani speak on Saturday! I'm SUPER excited!!!

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