
Monday, October 31, 2005

US Airways lost my luggage.

It's Monday.

It is raining.

BUT-- I am actually in a pretty good mood.

And will be in an even better mood when my suitcase arrives.

OH YEAH! Happy Halloween! Hope it's spooky.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm here in Williamsburg, VA visiting Rick this weekend. It's a beautiful day and we're about to make some pancakes before we start a pumpkin-carving extravaganza. Actually, Rick is making the pancakes while I sit around. :)

I think tomorrow we're going to check out colonial Williamsburg, which I've never seen. I hope to feel... colonial. Minus the hard manual labor.

I have a big group presentation for one of my classes next week. I'm talking about domestic violence in Nigeria. I actually think it's going to be fine, but I'll need to brush up on it before Tuesday. There's always something due next... I can't wait for Thanksgiving!

I'll be craving the warm Arizona sunshine by then, I know.

I guess that's all for now. Happy trick-or-treating!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

There's an interesting article in the NY Times today about Steve Earle, a country singer and anti-death penalty activist. I heard him speak when I did the Lilly Summer Discernment Institute two years ago. He has had quite a life and is very passionate about what he does. It's a good read.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Poop. Well... great season, anyway, Cards!

See ya next year at the new Busch!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

The mood at home tonight was exuberant as the Cardinals pulled off an unbelievable win! George was jumping up and down screaming. Maybe everything's bigger in Texas, but we have David Eckstein and Albert Pujols.

I was semi-productive with school work today, but I have a slight headache tonight, possibly from lack of caffeine. I also felt compelled to leave the library today when I was napping and my stomach started growling loudly. After a group meeting, I made it home with time for a run before dark, ate some dinner, and baked some delicious (if I do say so myself) peanut butter cookies.

This week is not as busy as some, but I still have lots to do. Maybe I'll squeeze in time to watch The Sting, which has been my Netflix pick for about the last month.

That's it for tonight. I'm going to try and sleep off my headache.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I have been told that I should post a new entry, seeing as it's been a while. So even though I really should be reading for classes or getting ready for bed, I don't want to disappoint my adoring readers (or one of my adoring readers, at least). Where to begin...

First of all, Lesley and Drew's wedding was fantastic! It was such a nice ceremony and reception and the bridesmaids were pampered all day long! It was also just really great to see Lesley again and see her so happy (and handling the stress of getting married quite well, I must say). I also had a wonderful date for the wedding-- Rick, who I think will be my date for quite a few more future events.

Once I got back from the wedding, I had an enormous amount of school work and reading to do. I still do, but it now seems more manageable because I just turned in a big paper this afternoon.

The apartment is good (although I'm calling the landlord tomorrow because my shower has pretty much ceased to drain with any sense of expediency), the roommates are good, the Cardinals... I *heart* them, Mona the cat is good. And it's finally feeling like fall, which I am super-excited about.

Above is an updated picture of my increasingly bizarre kitty. Oh, and if anyone would like to cat-sit over Thanksgiving and/or Christmas break, I don't need one, but my friend
Katy does (for her cat Mousse), so I can relay the message if you're interested.

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