
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I don't understand why most people prefer wide-screen edition movies to full-screen. I choose full-screen any day. There's so much wasted space in the stupid wide-screen black bars. And to those who say the picture is stretched weirdly or distorted somehow in the full-screen versions, I say, "It's all in your head." And that's what I think about that.

Check it out: Signs of Revival in St. Louis

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Attempt #3 at this post. Blogger dislikes me today.

Things I want to do in Arizona:
-go swimming
-Diamondbacks game
-quality time with my brother
-see some friends
-make a firm decision about next year
-go hiking
-sit around with my cats and the dog
-play piano without having to go to a little practice room
-enjoy the sunshine
-cheer for George in his Ironman
-eat ice cream at Sugar Bowl

More may be added later.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Man, it felt good to say that at church this morning! (technically now, yesterday morning) I haven't felt very faithful all through Lent-- faithful as in "full of faith." But Easter morning still brought me an appreciation for the joy and hope in the world and in life. A glimmer of the return of feeling faithful, I hope. I almost started crying during the Hallelujah chorus because it was just so gosh-darned beautiful. So Happy Easter.

I finished off the day with a long nap, an appearance at ECM's annual Easter brunch, and Desperate Housewives. I'm making progress in my latest book, I Know This Much is True, by Wally Lamb. I really like it so far-- I was a little concerned about it being unsubstantial because of the Oprah's Book Club emblem on the front-- how's that for judging a book by its cover? The narrator feels real and not overly simplified, which I appreciate in fiction.

I might go to Ireland this summer! I just cooked up this plan at the nudging of my Irish friend Sarah. I really hope it works out! The pipes, the pipes are calling....

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Being in South Beach was great fun. Our time mostly alternated among the following activities: sitting on the beach, swimming in the ocean, sleeping, drinking, eating ice cream and other junk foods, and more sitting on the beach. It was really good to see Hopie and hear more about her New Zealand travels, too. I've never done a Spring Break trip to a "Spring Break hotspot" before. It was kind of crazy to see so many bikini-clad women, lower-back tattoos, good-looking (and most probably gay) men, public drunkenness, and other randomly amusing sights. We have some awesome pictures-- mostly from the beach. And my memories of being there are even better after coming back to cold and rainy St. Louis.

Apparently a lot of people are blogging about the Terri Schiavo case. I've been trying to follow the developments because I wrote a paper about the case when it was in the news a year and a half ago, after the feeding tube had been removed and reinserted. I can see why it's such a tough issue for both sides... there are so many rumors and emotional outbursts... it's just tough all around. But I hope that Terri will be at peace.

Not much is going on in the next week. It's already Easter time, so I'm still trying to decide where to go to church. I had a dream last night about picking out the perfect See's chocolate Easter egg. Yummy.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Back from Miami. More about the trip later.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

funny, funny day

-After breakfast, my mom, grandma, and I went to the Botanical Gardens. Then we had lunch at Blueberry Hill. Who should we see as we're leaving? Cheech Marin. Cheech! He did a walk-through of Blue Hill and continued on up Delmar. This is the most famous person I've seen in "real life." Before, the best I could claim was the time I saw A.C. Green at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport when I was about 12.

-After lunch, we headed to the zoo, where we saw a spectacled bear... how should I put this... licking and paying close attention to his... ummm... most special private part. I kid you not. (The spectacled bear is NOT my totem animal, John.)

-And still, the night is young!

Friday, March 11, 2005


today i went to the butterfly garden and also rode the carousel with my favorite korean friend.

i am spending the next 5.5 days entertaining my family.

i am spending the 4.5 days following that in miami with pals.

it's friday night and my computer has begun its weekly virus scan.

my friends are fantastic. we ate sweet and sour chicken last night.

i didn't practice piano OR go to the gym today, but it's okay.

sand volleyball starts relatively soon.

only two-ish weeks until easter! perhaps i will buy some cadbury creme eggs.

steve has returned from mexico, without any visible sign of physical or mental damage.

i recently watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Angela's Ashes and i thought both were very good. i want to see Robots in the theater.

i love rascal flatts. and also ben harper. and also my alarming lack of capitalization.

Happy weekend, all.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I CAN'T WAIT for the start of baseball season! Spring Training's okay, but the best is yet to come. I think my first game is going to be either April 10th or 11th while I'm in Arizona. Yay for baseball!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Ok. I think I've come to an increased acceptance of and appreciation for my blog. My issue before was not so much with appearance; in fact, I really like the colors and title and all. But I felt like I should be writing more relevant and/or substantial posts, i.e. commenting on current events or society. Then it occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't write about things I don't really want to write about. My goal is not to start a dialogue through comments or keep a running commentary on New York Times articles. I'm happy to discuss the world with others, but perhaps that's best left to face-to-face conversations. It also occurred to me that the few (but fantastic) people who read my blog likely don't expect my posts to be any of the aforementioned things. So the random and largely insignificant postings will continue.

With my weblog crisis behind me, here are some notes from the past week or so:

1. I think I have a crush on The Rock.
2. My family is coming to visit in one week!
3. St. Patrick's Day in Miami!
4. Yesterday I went shopping with Steve. This was a somewhat painful process, as he tried on several of the same items, just in different sizes and patterns. Mind you, it's okay when I do it, but I'm a girl. I don't think I was much help either. As he pointed out, I don't have a strong interest in the clothes he buys, except to help him get his game on over spring break.
5. I am re-reading A Tale of Two Cities and I still love it.
6. Next up is a book I ordered from Amazon which has not arrived yet. It's Nick Hornby, but I can't remember the title.
7. I've been keeping in better touch with a few high school friends and that is good.
8. I like the number 8. And also 25.
9. I will stay with Blogger. LJ just doesn't have the same appeal for me. No worries, Beth.

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