
Thursday, April 28, 2005

free association... sort of


boots (?)



Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I had a great birthday yesterday! I can't remember ever having a bad birthday, but yesterday ranks right up there in goodness. In the morning, I went to the car dealership and got a new hubcap where it's been missing since September. Then I went and washed my car. There's something so satisfying about doing it yourself and now my car is a happy (and beautifully clean) car. I got a pedicure (light pink toenails), watched Love Actually in the afternoon, had dinner and drinks with friends, and came home to sleep it all off with my green teddy bear friend Ernest. I also got some nice gifts, flowers from my mama, cards, e-mails, and lots of phone calls. It was great to feel so loved! That's what the celebration of your birth should be, right? So thanks to all you who helped make it happy.

I subbed in for sand volleyball tonight. The sand was so cold I couldn't feel my toes after a while! But I think I've mostly recovered. I may have to wear two layers of socks to fall asleep, though. I also did laundry. My, what a gripping life you do lead.

All for now.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I actually don't have anything in mind to post. I'm just enjoying some good music, the cloudy day, and the fact that I'm spending the next 48 hours or so with good people.

I am taking with me:
-Playing cards
-my bright green bear, Ernest
-chocolate-chip cookies (made from a mix-- I cheated)

I'll be back on Sunday. There's a faculty piano recital Sunday at 7:30 pm if anyone wants to go with me. I think it's in Graham, but I'm not positive about that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Cards play the Cubs tonight! And I'm going to the game! Keep your fingers crossed that the predicted thunderstorms will not make an appearance.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Today I was not unreasonably afflicted by allergy irritations. I noticed that some of the trees have already lost their spring blossoms and are into the full green of summer. I enjoy this time of year.

I guess there were a lot of my fellow 2004 graduates in town this past weekend. But I already see the people I like fairly frequently. The ones I like who moved away were not here over the weekend, sadly.

Today I bought a pair of shorts that I have nicknamed "lesbian shorts." I realize this is incredibly un-PC, so those of you who don't know me well, please don't take offense. My immediate impulse to call them lesbian shorts did not keep me from buying them, obviously.

This weekend I am going to Lake of the Ozarks with friends. I am going to be joyful and eat banana pancakes.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


-Ironman Arizona... George did awesome and it was fun to be a spectator!
-I'm on Day 13 of my 3-week-long experiment with being a vegetarian.
-Allergies are on full attack. I am combatting their forces with little pink allergy pills.
-It's another "play whatever we want" weekend for the radio stations here. Right now it's AC/DC... what exactly are "American thighs?"
-My first baseball game of the season is Wednesday!
-My windowsill plant appears to be thriving.
-Everything interesting I had thought of to post about has disappeared... sorry!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I just tried to kill a little black spider on my wall, but it escaped to the wall under my bed.

I don't want to go to sleep tonight!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I just saw a Clayton Police Department car driving around with dry cleaning hanging in the back seat. How cool is that?

I saw Sin City last night. The best way I can describe it is that it's incredibly bad-ass. I did not expect to like it, but it was pretty cool. Not for kids, to be sure, but pretty cool.

On the way home, driving down 64/40 around 1 a.m., I saw a giant Christmas-light message on the side: Christ the Lord is risen. Maybe half a mile after that, on the same side of the highway, the Mormon temple was illuminated. I was just struck by the contrast of seeing a movie filled with violence and sharp edges followed by a relatively empty and quiet drive home, and by the dark night contrasted with these two churches and their lit-up signs.

So I guess this is the weekend to be a basketball fan, with the NCAA Final Four here in St. Louis. I don't really care about basketball. I was telling Steve about how I was a big fan of the Phoenix Suns the year they were in the playoffs (1993?). He immediately pointed out that the Chicago Bulls' "dynasty" took care of them. Next time I guess I'll keep quiet about my sports fan history.

This week, I found out I got into the University of Washington's social work school. The thought of moving to Seattle is incredibly appealing, I must admit, but there are many factors to consider.

I think I am going to go for a walk. It's a beautiful day!

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